Traditional stock pricing theories is the pricing theories which have been presented before Markowitz's property combination pricing theories, it regards inside value or price sport trend of single a stock as the research object, the dividend discount model is the main representation. 所谓传统股票定价理论是指在马克维茨资产组合定价理论提出之前的股票定价理论,它以单个股票的内在价值或价格运动趋势为研究对象,主要以红利贴现模型为代表。
Dividend involves in cash dividend, stock dividend, debt dividend, property dividend etc. 股利一般包括现金股利、股票股利、负债股利、财产股利等形式及股份回购等替代形式。
Historically, the institution of human resources capital property rights experience a history of compulsory dividend to half compulsory dividend, then unite again. 从人力资本产权制度的历史发展看,人力资本产权制度变迁经过了一个人力资本产权主体与人力资本载体由强制分离到半强制分离,再到逐步结合的历史过程。
Study on no-arbitrage property of dividend discount model 股息贴现模型的无套利性质分析
The listed company's profitability analysis index mainly includes the total property return rate, each income, the common share rights and interests return rate, the dividend payment rate, and Price-earning ratio, and so on. 上市公司盈利能力分析指标主要有总资产报酬率、每股收益、普通股权益报酬率、股利支付率、市盈率等。
They mainly adopt the vertical controlling rights structure to control the listed company. Secondly, the characters of ultimate property rights and its corresponding ownership structure have impacts on dividend policies indeed. 第二,上市公司的终极产权性质及其对应的控制权结构影响着股利政策。
The right of claim for dividend distribution is a kind of property right enjoyed by shareholders on the basis of their personal status, which is divided into the specific right of claim for dividend distribution and the abstract right of claim for dividend distribution. 股利分配请求权是股东基于其身份而享有的财产性权利,分为具体的股利分配请求权和抽象的股利分配请求权。